

My real name is Sarah Fox (most awesome last name ever)
I am 18 years old
My sty
My favorite Magazines are Ageha, Cure, Gothic & Lolita Bible and Kera
My favorite brands are Yyendi, Express, Guess, h.NAOTO, and Angelic Pretty
All I know is that I am German and Welsh
My favorite artists are.....A LOT....way to much to type
My favorite Gyaru model is Sakurina
I do like Anime, Jrock, Visual Kei, Lolita, Harajuku, etc.
My favorite foods are fruit.
Things I love are candy, movies, music, food, sleep, dreams, hot showers, dancing, art, antiques, magic, folklore, video games, boys, friends, fun, money, Japan, romance, clothes, shopping, anime, manga fencing, random asks of kindness, exploring, and poking dead things with a stick.
My hobbies are singing, dancing, drawing, writing, designing clothes, "pimping out" clothes, sleeping, eating, and being evil.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! =) Sorry for disturbing you =) See, I found you on Black Diamond's blog, and the thing is that I've been trying to apply for entering Black Diamond gyarusaa. May I ask you how did you do it? =3 I've done my best with Japanese, but I feel a bit lost, I don't really know ho to do it ^.^'
    Thanks for your time! =D
