
Thursday, July 12, 2012

First Gaijin Gyaru Magazine

To my fellow Gyaru...

Ever since the Gyaru style has floated into our lives, we often come across many barriers in order to perfect our look. 

Being foreign, has always been our downfall in gaining the respect, admiration, and resources, we deserve.

To those of you who are tired of just looking at pictures...

To the countless Gals that sit there in ridicule, with Gyaru Secrets at your back, and pictographs at your front...

To those of you that want something made just for us... 

We hear you.

Today I am proud to officially announce the first ever Gaijin Gyaru Magazine, GAL VIP. Because every Gyaru is Important.

First let me introduce you to VIP's exclusive Gyaru Models:

Each Gyaru was selected for their overall credibility, popularity in the community, and their unique and personal style.

If you would like to get to know them a little better, stay tuned for their fully in-depth bios on VIP's website.
Are you a fan of the AV Gyaru?  Don't you wish that they had their own magazine? 

We are proud to debut the first ever AV-Kei column, where our writer Rinnie P. will show you how to rock the sexy style, that isAV-Kei.
Next, if you would like to join in on the fun, you can submit a photo of your coord/outfit or makeup to our official email address.Your picture will be posted on our VIP website for all to see, and the best ones will be in our premier issue, due for sale inSeptember 2012!

Please Excuse the dust for the VIP website. We are still setting up lots of goodies for you all to enjoy. So check back often!

Copied (credit from Chaudie)

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